Calculation problem
Please check if you have misspelled the "FROM" or "TO" fields, or try to be more specific:
For example, write FROM: "Thessaloniki Airport" and not just from "Airport".
Or write TO "Sani, Halkidiki" and not just "Sani".
If you need help feel free to contact us .
Calculation problem
Please check if you have misspelled "FROM" or "TO" field or if you haven't written them with accuracy. For example, you should write FROM: "Thessaloniki Airport" and not only FROM "Airport" generally. Or you should write TO "Hotel Electra Palace, Thessaloniki" and not only TO "Thessaloniki".
Why choose us?
Economic Transfers
Excellent Reputation
Friendly Service
Online Taxi Fare Calculator
Free Wifi
No hidden, extra costs
Free Cancellation
Experienced Drivers
How to Book

Calculate the cost of your building

Choose the taxi or van that suits you

We confirm the reservation

We transport you safely.
Note that...
If your pickup is from Thessaloniki Airport (SKG), our driver will be waiting for you at the Meeting Point holding a label with your name.
Meet Taxithess!
We are a taxi & van company in Thessaloniki with many years of experience and we provide reliable and economical transportation. Our state-of-the-art vehicles guarantee you comfortable and safe journeys. Our drivers are carefully selected and are always ready to serve you. Some of the travel amenities we provide are: leather interior, large luggage space, tinted windows, dual zone air conditioning.
We undertake private transfers within and outside of Thessaloniki by appointment only. Our frequent destinations are Halkidiki, Pieria, Imathia, Epirus and Thrace.