The people Joseph Rodriguez saw through the windshield.
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220 West Houston Street | “This is an after-after-hours club that was right across from the Film Forum. This place stayed open from like five in the morning to five in the afternoon. It was where you went after the big S&M clubs — Anvil, Hellfire — in the Meatpacking District closed. Back when Al Pacino was doing his research for the film Cruising, you’d see him cruising in this neighborhood.” Photo: Joseph Rodriguez
This piece originally appeared in New York’s 50th anniversary issue, My New York – a special edition that attempts to capture the city’s voice through first-person stories, spoken and written, about how our disparate lives intertwine.
Joseph Rodriguez drove a cab from 1977 to 1985, and in the last two of those years, he was studying to be a photographer. He lost his first set of gear in a classic ’70s New York stabbing and mugging, but with a new camera, he documented what he saw on the job.
Joseph Rodriguez’s ‘Taxi: Journey Through my Windows 1979–1987’ will be published by Powerhouse Books in the fall of 2019.