
Taxi to Agnanti Studios in Afitos, Halkidiki.

Taxi to Agnanti Studios in Afitos, Halkidiki. «Taxithess» provides taxi and van taxi transfers from Thessaloniki airport to Agnanti Studios in Afitos, Halkidiki or vice versa. All our transfers are private, reliable and low-cost. We offer a variety of vehicles to meet every customer’s needs : regular taxi, premium taxi, vip taxi, regular mini van taxi, premium mini van taxi, 14seater minibus, 18seater minibus.…


Taxi to Aegean Blue Studios Hotel in Afitos, Halkidiki

Taxi to Aegean Blue Studios Hotel ,Halkidiki «Taxithess» provides taxi and van taxi transfers from Thessaloniki airport to Aegean Blue Studios Hotel,Halkidiki or vice versa. All our transfers are private, reliable and low-cost. We offer a variety of vehicles to meet every customer’s needs : regular taxi, premium taxi, vip taxi, regular mini van taxi, premium mini van taxi, 14seater minibus,…


Taxi to Achtis Hotel in Afitos Halkidiki

Taxi to Achtis Hotel in Afitos, Halkidiki «Taxithess» provides taxi and van taxi transfers from Thessaloniki airport to Achtis Hotel in Afitos, Halkidiki or vice versa. All our transfers are private, reliable and low-cost. We offer a variety of vehicles to meet every customer’s needs : regular taxi, premium taxi, vip taxi, regular mini van taxi, premium mini van taxi, 14seater minibus, 18seater minibus.…


Taxi to El Greco Hotel in Thessaloniki

Taxi to El Greco Hotel in Thessaloniki «Taxithess» provides taxi and van taxi transfers from Thessaloniki airport to El Greco Hotel or vice versa. All our transfers are private, reliable and low-cost. We offer a variety of vehicles to meet every customer’s needs : regular taxi, premium taxi, vip taxi, regular mini van taxi, premium mini van taxi, 14seater minibus, 18seater minibus. All our…

50+ Useful Greek Phrases for your Vacations!

Are you going to Greece for Vacations? Although most people on tourist areas of Greece know Enlgish well and can communicate with ease, it would be awesome for them to hear you saying a word or phrase in their language. Also, there is a little possibility that someone won’t know English or won’t understand a…


Sithonia, a unique place in Halkidiki!

Like Halkidiki, nowhere! This is a funny phrase, which doesn’t make any sense in English but it’s very common in Greece when someone wants to describe this special place, Halkidiki! It is located on the north part of Greece and it has 3 smaller peninsulas! The first is called Kassandra and has many trendy clubs and beach…